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I don’t update this page enough~~. So yea, there’s a slew of updates for the end of the semester…

1) Last night’s schedule was a bit different and we watched two episodes of Attack on Titan and Dangan Ronpa, so be sure to catch up when you come to the next meeting. Speaking of which, the next meeting is December 3rd due to the Thanksgiving break.

2) The COUp Christmas Party will be Sunday December 8th in a TBD location. It will be potluck style, and should provide a nice rest from studying for students.

3) T-shirt news! If you’re on the COUp listserv, go check out the T-Shirt email that was just sent out because there’s a more detailed write up of what’s going on there. Basically you can check out the design concepts HERE, and vote on which elements you do and don’t like HERE (be sure to read the instructions on the poll. Shirts will be around $8 and they’ll hopefully be in before people start leaving for winter break, but there’s a chance that might not happen.

4) Halloween pictures are up over on the EVENTS page. Go check them out to see who people dressed up as at our Halloween meeting!

Other than that, good luck goes out to people getting prepared for their final exams!

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